Appendix A: Reference Main Function

The main function serves as the entry point for the CAN boards firmware.


  1. Calls the device specific initialization function (e.g. PIC18 Specific Initialization (Not Implemented) function) mcu_init() to initialize the chip.

  2. Calls user defined pin_init() function to setup PPS registers.

  3. Initialize timer for millis() function.

  4. Initialize CAN(controller and TX buffer)

  5. Calls user defined peripheral_init() function to initialize other peripherals. (e.g. I2C, SPI)

  6. Start watchdog timer (PIC18 WDT starts by default)

  7. Start the main loop

Main loop

The following steps are always running

  1. Feed the watchdog timer

  2. Check if the fail safe clock monitor has triggered, if so then set it back to use external crystal

  3. Reset if X ms has passed since last time received a CAN message

  4. Calls loop() function

  5. if 20 ms has passed since last time, calls periodic_20ms()


The PPS setting function being implemented by user because it’s hard to pass a pin number as a parameter to a peripheral init function.