Electrical Onboarding
Tutorial Pages
Welcome new Members
Please complete required safety training, and install the following required software on your computer.
Required Softwares
Git is a version control system, install it from git website or your package manager
KiCAD is the PCB design software. We use KiCAD version 8, install KiCAD from KiCAD website or your package manager
MPLab and XC compilers
MPLab is an IDE(Integrated Development Environment) for Microchip PIC microcontrollers, XC8 and XC16 are the compilers. Use the following links to download them, MPLAB X IDE and the XC8 and XC16 compilers
LLVM clang-format
Optional Softwares
These softwares are less commonly used(usually just 2-3 projects using it), so you only have to install them when working on a project needs it.
STM32CubeIde is an IDE(Integrated Development Environment) for STMicroelectronics STM32 series micro-controllers, download it from STM32CubeIDE page
Arduino IDE
Arduino is an IDE for Arduinos, download it from Arduino IDE page or from system package manager.